Founding Prinicples
The Five Pillars
Founding Prinicples
The Five Pillars
Be Who You Want To Be, Not Who The World Thinks You Are.
- Eboni Walker
Be Who You Want To Be, Not Who The World Thinks You Are.
- Eboni Walker
I met Eboni as a speaker on Clubhouse. She hosts a club and leads a devotional and Bible study that included all of the elements to encourage my life journey. I quickly became a regular and connected with her on several platforms. She is authentic, passionate, consistent, and inspiring. I love sharing her spaces.
I love the spirit Eboni provides! It’s always so refreshing and right on time. Her gentleness and genuine compassion are felt each time.
Brenda K.
Ohh How I Love Mommy Mondays! Mommy Mondays is an opportunity for moms from all over to come together and just have a moment to be connected with women who understand the life of a mother. Mommy Mondays should be on everyone’s weekly schedule. The gems that are dropped are top-notch and the overall experience is like free therapy. I always feel refreshed after tuning in and I always have a moment to self-reflect. I love Mommy Mondays!
Ashley C.
I met Eboni as a speaker on Clubhouse. She hosts a club and leads a devotional and Bible study that included all of the elements to encourage my life journey. I quickly became a regular and connected with her on several platforms. She is authentic, passionate, consistent, and inspiring. I love sharing her spaces.
I love the spirit Eboni provides! It’s always so refreshing and right on time. Her gentleness and genuine compassion are felt each time.
Brenda K.
Ohh How I Love Mommy Mondays! Mommy Mondays is an opportunity for moms from all over to come together and just have a moment to be connected with women who understand the life of a mother. Mommy Mondays should be on everyone’s weekly schedule. The gems that are dropped are top-notch and the overall experience is like free therapy. I always feel refreshed after tuning in and I always have a moment to self-reflect. I love Mommy Mondays!